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learning from ...

Ditulis Oleh Fira Fudhla on 05 Oktober 2011 | 10/05/2011 07:47:00 PM

world is only HOTEL and we will check out from it
life is our bridge and we must carefull to do something so that we still safe.
parents is our diamond so we must save and love them like we love our self
love is the season of life to make our days more colorfull
troubles is step for us to be obidient and better human
experience is a best past event which we can study from that
money is not anything but we need money to still survive in this world
religion is our umbrella to save our self from bad life and bad characters....

so, we must always carefull to do everything in our life...
and always keep smile, keep spirit, and keep goodness...

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